ORE is operating a dried mango facility in Camp Perrin which is producing around half a ton of export quality dried mangos a year.
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ORE's Fruit Drying Facility
ORE is operating a fruit drying facility funded by the European Union and built in Camp Perrin, Haiti in 2006. We are currently producing an average of half a ton of dried mangos per year under international standards for food processing. The fruit comes from a producer network established in the south of Haiti, called ASPVFS (Association des Producteurs-Vendeurs de Fruits du Sud), with over 700 members, who have benefitted from ORE's high value fruit tree program. ASVEF's primary market is the international fresh fruit market.
The drying facility offers a market for mangos that are very high quality but do not meet all the size, shape and and aesthetic standard standards for the fresh fruit export market. The dried mangos are produced from fruit may not be standard size or shape, may have minor superficial blemishes such as skin spots (which do not affect fruit quality), or are fully ripe and therefore not suitable for the fresh fruit shipping. The packaged dried mangos are currently sold mostly on local market and Port-au-Prince.
A self-claimed expert qualified them as "the best ever dried mangoes"... in any case it is hard not to finish a packet in one sitting!
The ASPVFS producer group which provides the mango for processing are currently in the process to be certified as organic producers. This is the first step for the certification of the facility itself.
ASPVEFS are certified as Fairtrade (Flo-Cert). FLO-CERT GmbH Certification provides a guarantee to consumers of Certified Fairtrade products that they are contributing to the Social-Economic Development of people through their purchases.
The small factory has been built to comply with the international standards for food processing facilities. Visitors and inspectors have confirmed that we are maintaining the best standards food processing and even excessively cautious. Our processing is by slow dehydration (a 24-hour process) which qualifies the final produce as "raw food" class, processing done under 118 Fahrenheit.
The long-term goals are to to ramp up production 5 tons annually. We are also exploring other fruits to maximize the use of facility: such as banana, pineapple, tomatoes and abricot (mamey apple). The Mamey has been very successful and we will probably get into volume production next season.
A look at ORE's Fruit Drying Facility
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